

artificial intelligence



What is artificial intelligence? Before we answer that let's look at these terms individually. What do you understand by the term artificial well it can be anything that is made by humans things that are not natural .

artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence  

Artificial intelligence is a broad area of computer science that makes machines seem like they have human intelligence. The goal of AI is to mimic the human brain and create systems that can function intelligently and independently  .


artificial intelligence definition


Artificial intelligence can be explained in simple words as  it  is the name given to a computer program which is better and is stimulating the human intelligence .


This where AI can come in. Instead of writing software that tells the computer what to do, we can write computer programs that can learn to give an expected output for a given input. 

Computers are really good at following the instructions which are  given to  them  but there are  some problems like understanding human speech, or recognizing objects in images or videos is a tough task for a computer programmer to put together.



artificial intelligence meaning


artificial intelligence meaning  is that it is  a common misconception that artificial intelligence is any computer system that responds to user action. People often confuse AI with "if statements". An if statement is hard-coded inside a program which means that it can't change throughout time. 


The difference between AI and an "if statement" is that a true artificially-intelligent system is one that can learn on its own. True AI can improve on past iterations getting smarter and more aware, allowing it to enhance its capabilities and its knowledge.


There are three basic levels of Artificial Intelligence.


·        The first level is called Narrow Artificial Intelligence.


The narrow artificial intelligence is designed to perform a single task .

Examples of such AI include Google's translate engine or self-driving cars.


·        The second level is called artificial general intelligence or AGI for short

 It's an AI system with generalized cognitive abilities which can find solutions to any unfamiliar task it comes across

Engineers haven’t yet created such an AI and cannot predict when it will be engineered


·        The third level is called artificial super intelligence

ASI refers to a computer system whose ‘thought process’ will surpass that of humans. 

Virtual assistants on our smart phones like Siri Google assistant or Alexa are considered a form of Pseudo AI, that is, they only learn from users to some extent.


ai revolution

Today's world would seem magical for them. A 50-story building would be impossible to make what changed between the 17th century and today is machines. The Industrial Revolution allowed us to build products at faster rates than we had ever seen and allowed us to scale up our creations two sizes never possible before skyscrapers massive ships of steel cars .

think of completely new industries AI has the potential of creating for it is the products that create new industries that do the best artificial intelligence has the capacity of understanding so much more than we do the barriers of seemingly incomprehensible theories of science will be broken easily by the machines of the future physical problems

The physical problems would be solved thousand times faster than the humans . The AI will optimize in our systems and create new jobs .


super ai

Super intelligence will be able to perform humans on any task Other people say “don’t worry, AI will just be another tool we can use and control, like our current computers.”


 machines (including computers) have long been better than us at many tasks, like arithmetic, or weaving, but those are often repetitive and mechanical operations

But from the perspective of modern physical science, intelligence is simply a particular kind of information processing and reacting performed by particular arrangements of elementary particles moving around, and there’s no law of physics that says that  it’s impossible to do that kind of information processing better than humans already do. 




The real worry isn’t malevolence, but competence. A super intelligent AI is by definition very good at attaining its goals, so the most important thing for us to do is to ensure that its goals are aligned with ours. As an analogy, humans are more intelligent and competent than ants,  and if we want to build a hydroelectric dam where there happens to be an anthill, there may be no malevolence involved.


Second, most AI researchers think super intelligence is at least decades away... But the research needed to ensure that it remains beneficial to humanity (rather than harmful) might also take decades, so we need to start right away. For example, we’ll need to figure out how to ensure machines learn the collective goals of humanity, adopt these goals for themselves, and retain the goals as they keep getting smarter.



artificial intelligence 101


Artificial intelligence  is the technique that will help the machines and computers to be able to act like human behavior . How it becomes smart under the hood then is the next layer of machine learning, which are the general techniques or variety of techniques that are used to make that device smart.


In the medical field, new treatments that’ll come from the analysis of reams of data to detect cancers and diseases. Today, machines are smart. And they're smart because of AI .

what is artificial intelligence in computer

what is artificial intelligence in computer
what is artificial intelligence in computer

artificial intelligence used to be the expert system. Then once they are working and routine and everyone takes them for granted, then they are not called AI anymore.” Right now when people talk about AI, they’re mostly talking about “machine learning” - a subfield of computer science that dates back at least to the 1950s. 

It's data. We humans became collectors of data. Fit bits , GPSes, pictures, I mean look at how much credit card purchases, how much data is around.” Certain machine learning algorithms really thrive on big data, as long as computers have the processing power to handle it, which they do now. If computers are the cannon and the internet’s gunpowder, these are the fireworks and they have only just begun


Machine learning turns this around: in goes the data and the desired result and out comes the algorithm that turns one into the other.” The algorithms are trained to find statistical relationships in the data

People have developed machines that learn from data. That makes it harder to say what set of jobs are going to become substituted, readily substituted by automation, and which will be complemented.” A study by the McKinsey Global Institute gets at this question by looking at the many tasks that make up 800 different occupations.


applications of artificial intelligence

·        artificial intelligence Google

artificial intelligence
 artificial intelligence google

function that generalizes what is happening in the middle of it. And it is analogous, because we can have any value for the inputs like numeric, or sequence of values, and we will have values for the outputs. In order to study it a little better, let's separate, and study only one input (red) and one output (orange).

The way we usually do is to put a program in the middle of it. this "thing" in the middle, if we zoom in, could be for example a simple program. "If input is greater than X, then let output be 0.0... otherwise be Y..." and so on. and I said, this is a Discrete way to think about it, and is not good for a machine to learn and interpret.

The best, is to not have any connection with syntax as we said earlier. The best, is to be analog/continuous. If we think about analog circuits, we come back to 0/1 Anything running in a machine is 0 or 1, and we might tend to think that all those inputs/outputs go from 0 to 1, for instance. Or they are 0, or they are 1. (Binary) but still Discrete, since you can describe all the possible states (0 and 1)

 Now let's try to "remove" that from our mind. 0 OR 1.Think that it can be ANYTHING between 0 and 1, for instance. Anything between it, is valid. 0.1, 0.55575789... Anything can be valid, for one input or output. And it can be other than 0/1, it can go from  -Infinite to Infinite, but let's simplify it and limit it to 0-1.

We can even make it non-linear, like a sigmoid, tangent... We can put any function in it, like this curve function. And if we abstract it even further,  we will see that at the end of everything, after all connections are done. Those inputs and outputs, and the middle of it, will be basically a function. A Math function that we can write it down on paper.

Like g(A+B*x) And becomes another output, and you applies to g(A+B*x) again in the next node, and so on, recursively. Now, we can think that each "small program “is actually a way to map the inputs to a single output, it's a function like "f(x) = Something" What you put on A and B, change the way the function outputs the values, given its inputs. This is a simple way, right? We can map any "Line" to any other "Line".

 But what if we wanted something more "complex", maybe a polynomial? We could have, in this case, more and more "Neurons”. It is like having more ability to map inputs to an output. We can abstract it even more, and say that each connection has a "weight" (RED), and a "Bias" (YELLOW) Each neuron in this example, has only one input, but imagine how it would be in a more complex "Network". It looks like this, as if we had "layers". "Inputs layer",


artificial intelligence and machine learning


artificial intelligence vs. machine learning These are the term which have confused a lot of people and if you too are one among them . Artificial intelligence does its work under machine learning So let's move on and understand how exactly they differ from each other.

artificial intelligence
 artificial intelligence and machine learning

So let's start with artificial intelligence. The term artificial intelligence was first coined in the year 1956. The concept is pretty old, but it has gained its popularity recently. But why well, the reason is earlier we had very small amounts of data The data we had Was not enough to predict the accurate result, The machines are just the responses based on new input thereby performing human-like tasks .

Artificial intelligence machine learning has been trained to do some specific tasks such as processing large amounts of data  and to arrange them in patterns .

artificial intelligence versus machine learning


Our model will become we can also improve our model by adding more variables and creating different production lines for them. Once the line is created. So from the next time if we feed a new data, for example height of a person to the model, it would easily predict the data for you and it will tell you what the predicted weight could be .

Although there are techniques that can use raw data for training – like photos and sounds – many algorithms reduce the complexity of real world objects and phenomena into what are called features. Features are values that usefully characterize the things we wish to classify. For our moth example, we’re going to use two features: “wingspan” and “mass”. In order to train our machine learning classifier to make good predictions, we’re going to need training data .



artificial intelligence vs. data science

Computer Science! As we’ve touched on many times in this series, computers are incredible at storing, organizing, fetching and processing huge volumes of data. That’s perfect for things like e-commerce websites with millions of items for sale, and for storing billions of health records for quick access by doctors. But what if we want to use computers not just to fetch and display data, but to actually make decisions about data?


artificial intelligence
 artificial intelligence vs. data science



artificial intelligence with python


Python is the most  important language and it has been used by many developers and people in their work especially in computer or data science .

artificial intelligence
 artificial intelligence with python

Python is a very simple language to use and learn and to build our data system it is a very popular language and is the most loved language by the developers .


Artificial intelligence uses this language because it is very  simple and easy to use . The big programs can be very easily run in the python language .

when you name the file  in python language we use the ending .py. not .txt   Txt  is the text file and you want a Python file, so it's very important to you finish with .py So save that file in this format example. You can call your program my first program so my first program.py .


artificial intelligence vs. human intelligence

While as we explained, we care for our existence within the physical world, all the problems we face, do not exist in the physical world. Although these problems demand we change our dispositions within the physical world, they exist merely in our consciousness, which metaphysically, is detached from the source of these problems.

 The same applies to paradoxes. Paradoxes can exist only in our consciousness, but without any metaphysical implication in the physical world. Paradoxes merely reflect the incompatibility, or alternatively, the inconsistency, between the dimension of consciousness, and the imminent external dimensions. 

artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence vs. human intelligence

The manner, by which the dimension of consciousness links the different manifestations of our generalizations, makes us believe paradoxes apply to the physical world.

 Still, this is but a mirage. Arguably, this incompatibility can explain why science has failed so miserably, while attempting to create artificial intelligence. The manner by which we attempted to create artificial intelligence, was through materialistic means, while arguably, our consciousness utilizes dimensions, which are incompatible with the dimensions that govern physics.

To be more precise, our consciousness utilizes contingent dimensions, meaning, dimensions our world spans locally, and which do not adhere to the intermittent flow, or alternatively, to the universal laws of physics. Moreover, the manner by which science attempted to create artificial intelligence, was by reducing intelligence to language, with the belief, that human language is a consistent logical system.

 However, it is not. Human language consists of the collaboration of two different incompatible logical systems. In one, different elements exist separately from one another, while in the other, different elements can exist as single metaphysical entities.

There is no way to bridge the two, into a consistent logical system, as the two systems override each other. The physical world, forces us to accept the world in which we exist, does not “behave” according to the manner we believe it should, while our internal world, persistently attempts to change the physical world, to be how we believe it should be.

 In addition, within our consciousness, the sensations words represent, are not terms of the language. They are existing elements, which in many ways, are identical to the sensations they represent, meaning, the manner by which we sense the semantic meaning these words represent. Contemporary computers simply do not support such functionality.


To clarify, indeed, our collection of born and learned instincts, as well as the generalizations with which we think, reduces the dimensional complexity of the sensations we perceive. As we explained, this collection of cognitive neural apparatuses, yields the “filter” of our consciousness. Still, just because we are not aware of the dimensional complexity of the contingent dimensional inputs arriving into our brain, does not imply our brain does not process it.

 It is simply that our brain already learned how to route these sensations unconsciously, and therefore, does not require the involvement of our consciousness. Still, if a materialistic computer attempted to mimic human intelligence, it would not have the luxury of avoiding the complexity of the data, which the “filter” of our consciousness, hides. It would have to mimic both the processes happening within our consciousness, and the processes which our brain performs, unconsciously


artificial intelligence course


you can learn artificial intelligence from YouTube or from joining classes . On YouTube there are so many free lectures available for artificial intelligence .


artificial intelligence course in India


·        The  Indian institute of technology (Hyderabad)

·        Chandigarh universe

·        Indraprastha institute of technology (Delhi)

·        Great lakes international university (Andhra Pradesh)

·        SRM institute of science and technology (Chennai)

The above are the top 5 universities which are offering artificial intelligence courses in India   and there are many more universities which are offering the same course .


artificial intelligence online course

·        Deep learning

·        IBM

·        AI foundation for everyone

·        IBM AI learning

These are some of the online courses which are made for AI .


artificial intelligence ppt

·        Slide share

·        Slideteam.net

·        Digitalvidya.com

These are  some of the ppts you can refer for you artificial intelligence learning



You can also read about  cloud computing by following the below link 

